Oh my days, cannot believe I forgot to tell you about this one.
In January, I was fortunate enough to accompany my Uncle Phil (www.pffoto.com) to Turkey for the annual Photo Training Overseas event. It’s a hard task but I accepted.
Many of the world’s top photographers were there (no joke) sharing their skills and knowledge to the other poor delegates who had to come to Turkey.
The week completely transformed the way I shoot weddings, teaching me how to understand better how light works and how to make my subjects look even better. We haven’t put our prices up yet, so get your weddings booked now!!!
During the week, I was planning to enter the PR Photography Competition and had collected up a portfolio of images to enter. I was so convinced that everyone there was better than me that I was on the toilet during the gala presentations when I was announced as the winner!!! So pulled down my dress and gracefully accepted my prize and status or PTO PR Photographer 2010.
I made some fantastic friends too.